此外,2024年3月7日,在Plant Biotechnology Journal(《植物生物技术杂志》)在线发表的研究论文“CaIAA2-CaARF9 module mediates the trade-off between pepper growth and immunity”( CaIAA2-CaARF9模块介导辣椒生长和免疫之间的权衡)也是我校何水林教授团队与浙江农林大学田莉教授团队合作研究的成果,该研究揭示了CaARF9-CaIAA2调节辣椒生长和免疫之间权衡及其机制。蔡韡韡博士(我校作物栽培与耕作学专业2021届博士生)为第一作者,何水林教授和田莉教授为共同通讯作者。
1. Dang, F.F., et al., CaWRKY40, a WRKY protein of pepper, plays an important role in the regulation of tolerance to heat stress and resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Plant Cell Environ, 2013. 36(4): p. 757-74.
2. Yang, S., et al., A CaCDPK29-CaWRKY27b module promotes CaWRKY40-mediated thermotolerance and immunity to Ralstonia solanacearum in pepper. New Phytol, 2022. 233(4): p. 1843-1863.
3. Yang, S., et al., CaWRKY28 Cys249 is Required for Interaction with CaWRKY40 in the Regulation of Pepper Immunity to Ralstonia solanacearum. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 2021. 34(7): p. 733-745.